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potted grass

Instant lawn solutions

Looking to add a lawn to your yard or garden? Quality Sand and Landscape Supplies takes all the time & work out of growing a lawn yourself. We offer turf that is already green and healthy—all you need to do is put it on the ground. When you choose us, you get an instant lawn. Obtaining a beautiful yard has never been easier!

We supply Dwarf Kikuyu, Santa Anna Couch and Sir Walter Buffalo. Give us a call for a quote or more information. 

To make it even easier, all our lawns are delivered straight to your door.

We can also supply the soil to help you prepare for your new lawn or to help keep your existing lawn happy and healthy.
dwarf kikuyu grass

Our Pick: Dwarf Kikuyu

Why is Dwarf Kikuyu our pick? We recommend Dwarf Kikuyu for its hardy nature and drought tolerance. It's soft to the touch and can withstand the heat and dryness of our climate when provided with the right care. It also fairs well in high traffic areas. Another great thing about Dwarf Kikuyu is its ability to be revived after neglect, we've seen instances of yellow, near dead looking Dwarf Kikuyu come back to its like-new green and lush appearance after just a few weeks of love and care. 

The locally owned & operated landscaping supplier in Whyalla

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